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I need to claim my children on my W4 how do I do this

1 Answer

How do I change my W4 dependant options - MyWalmart Help

You can easily change dependents on your W4 form. Just follow some basic steps and make the changes as per your requirement.
First of all, get a copy of your current federal income tax withdrawal/withholding W-4 form your employer or HR/ personnel office. Scrutinize your form thoroughly and see how many dependents you have claimed presently and how you are declaring your withdrawals. Prepare a new W-4 form to change the number of dependents claimed earlier. Change your withholding on your paycheck by adding or removing the number of dependents on the form. Complete the remaining information on the form, sign it and submit it to your HR office when done. Do confirm your next paystub to make sure that the required changes in tax withdrawals have been made according to your new W-4 form. If you still find any discrepancy report it to your HR so that they can correct it asap.

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