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1 Answer

how to view my 401k balance - MyWalmart Help

A similar question has been answered in the past. iam pasting the answer below for your ease.
Money can be withdrawn from 401(K) plan anytime. In case of early withdrawal i.e. if you take your distribution before you reach at age 59 ½, 10% early distribution penalty tax will be assessed. There are some exceptions to this penalty. However, ordinary income tax will be applicable on this distribution just like any other distribution.
But if you have reached the age of retirement and want to withdraw your 401K then here is the process. You first need to check your most recent statement to review your balance. There can be fluctuation in amount of the fund since the statement was issued, if your 401K is invested in stocks. You can check the exact balance online by logging into the 401K plan administrator website, if they have any as many insurance companies, mutual fund families and brokerage firms provide online access these days. You can then contact the administrator of your 401K plan and check withdrawal options. The invested amount can be withdrawn in one chunk or you can withdraw a portion of your investment which can be transferred into your bank account while the reminder stays invested. But do try to review all the options before making a final decision.

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