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Can someone tell about walmart pay? what exactly is this and how does this work?

1 Answer

what is walmart pay and how does it work? - MyWalmart Help

It is a Walmart mobile app feature through which you can pay in any Walmart store with your smartphone. If you want to use this feature then you first need to download the Walmart app on your smartphone. It can be downloaded on any smartphone i.e. iOS or android with the help of Walmart gift card or any debit or credit card. Create your account on Walmart website or if you already have an account then sign into that account. Select a preferred payment method which can be any credit or debit card, pre-paid account or Walmart Gift Card and update your account. At any Walmart checkout lane, checkout as usual while you are in the Walmart store. Open the app on your phone and select the logo “Walmart Pay”. You need to enter the security PIN or your touch ID and hold your phone for scanning over the QR code. After the transaction is complete, an e-receipt will appear on your device and a message on your debit card reader stating the same. You will also hear a sound signaling transaction confirmation before that as well. It is the easiest, quickest, secure and the convenient way of paying through your smartphone.

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