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1 Answer

What is the Merrill Lynch phone number for information about taking a loan from my 401k? - MyWalmart Help

Merrill Lynch client support is online and available 24/7. You can always call on the following numbers according to your region.
If you are calling from United States (US) then call 1-800-MERRILL (1800-637-7455). If you are calling from Latin America then dial 1-800-MERRILL (1800-637-7455), 609-818-8900 (Collect call) and if you are from Europe, Middle East and Africa then 1-800-MERRILL (1800-637-7455) 609-818-8900 (Collect call) is the number to call. To access your 401k or Stock Options accounts and relevant resources you can directly contact at 1.866.820.1492.

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