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I am seeking information on why walmartone would not have any record of my username when I have emails from the confirming it to the email they don't recognize.

I had a pin set up, foto loaded and all.
It forgot me.

1 Answer

Is anyone actually here answering questions? I have screenshots showing email from Walmartone and the username it confirmed yet it says it doesn't exist. I am a new employee and current employee. - MyWalmart Help

the only option i can think of is to change your user name. i mean your account exists but it is not accepting your user name actually. so just go to the login page and click the tab “forgot user name”. a new window will open where you will be asked to enter your valid email account, the one you provided at the time of account registration. once done, go to your email inbox and open the auto generated email sent to you from walmart. follow the instructions given in the email to change your user name.

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