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1 Answer

I would like to get my work schedule - MyWalmart Help

you can get your walmart work schedule online through walmartone website. just visit the walmartone website i.e. http://www.walmartone.com and fill in your account details i.e. your user name and password to log into your account. if you have not created your account as yet then do so by clicking the sign up option and providing the details required to create this account. kog into your account when you are done with the account creation process. you will see today’s date on the right-hand side of your computer screen, you’ll see a tab “my schedule” right under this date. Click the tab “my schedule” to see your today’s schedule. you can get you daily, weekly or monthly schedule through this option as well. You can also check your schedule through wire which you can access from your work only.

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