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1 Answer

how do i log on to sell stocks? - MyWalmart Help

You can easily sell your walmart associate stock by logging into your shareholder account. You can also sell it by calling Computershare i.e. walmart transfer agent. But since you want to sell it online so here is the process. To sell these stocks online you need to log into your shareholder account first, so go to the website http://www.computershare.com/walmart and click the Login button which you will see in the Associate Stock Purchase Plan category box. From the drop down menu select SIN/SSN as your login type and enter your login details i.e. User ID which is your Social Security Number (SSN) and if you haven’t changed you PIN after the initial setup of your online account then your PIN will be your date of birth (DOB). Make sure you enter your DOB in MMDDYY format and your SSN without dashes. Once done select the sell shares option and number of shares you wish to sell off to lock your request for further processing which usually gets processed on the same working day, But if the market is closed for business then your request will get processed on the next working day.

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